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Last Modified: Friday, July 26, 2013 Home > Other Software > Change Management > CVS Suite 2009R2 

CVS for Windows ( also OS/400 Mac OS X Linux )    Español  Deutsch  日本

WinCVS is a sophisticated graphical user interface that helps you to utilize the full power of CVS. Regardless of whether you are an expert or a novice, WinCVS will allow you to get started with CVSNT quickly. Buy now for £85.

Powerful Scripts

WinCVS allows you to automate almost any CVS action using TCL or Python scripts. There are 35 pre-defined Python macros that come with WinCVS including: Add/Del/Ignore, Add Root Module, Change Root, Cleanup and Recursive Add.

Create your own macros based on the templates provided or look at the pre-defined macros for ideas. With WinCVS there is never an excuse to complain that a task is repetitive.

CVS Suite WinCVS Checkout
WinCVS provides a powerful yet intuitive way to manage workspace on your PC.

Logical Layout

For people who have been raised with versioning systems that have their own IDE for managing the versioning process, WinCVS is a logically designed equivalent for CVS.

Use WinCVS to browse your local disks, and any folders containing a workspace immediately show you the status of all the files. Coloured icons give a quick overview for modified and conflicing files, and the column format describes much more detail.

CVS Suite WinCVS Diff
WinCVS integrates with WinMerge for displaying differences between any two versions of a file.


WinCVS is integrated with WinMerge for displaying the difference between any two revisions of a file. Simple select the file you want to view, and then choose the Differences option.

Use WinCVS to browse your local disks, and any folders containing a workspace immediately show you the status of all the files. Coloured icons give a quick overview for modified and conflicing files, and the column format describes much more detail.

CVS Suite WinCVS Graph
WinCVS provides a powerful graphical view of the revision history of any file.

Merge Points

The Advanced CVSNT server tracks when merges are performed between Branches or the Trunk and Branches. WinCVS can use this information to present an historical view of when changes have occured and how changes in different branches relate to one another. By hovering the most pointer over a revision a pop up hint lets you know a little about this version. By clicking on the version you can get futher information in the detail pane.